January 2025 Citizen Science
Citizen Science Blog Jan 1 2025
Happy 2025!
We are going to continue our efforts of sharing citizen science projects as we come across them. With the citizen science projects list, we will try to share fun eco, family friendly events too! Citizen science is a form of data collection that the public (of all ages) can participate in. It usually involves the collection of data and recording it or entering it into a database for different organizations. A list of citizen science projects will be listed & linked below!
An upcoming and exciting yearly event is the Great Backyard Bird Count. This is a yearly event and this year it is being held February 14-17 of 2025. To read about how to participate check out this informative page here! If you love birds and are interested in participating in almost a month long bird count—check out the Christmas Bird Count here! It ends January 5th!
This is an incredible time for migration and if you are looking to get involved with another bird project that is local please check out Sullivans Island Bird Banding Station! Sarah is always looking for volunteers and is an excellent teacher.
One incredibly important tool for citizen science is Inaturalist. Imagine pokemon go but for real live animals and plants as well as a community that supports each other and helps identify organisms. This app is also important for documenting organisms that might not typically be known to be found in a certain area! Check it out right here!
Below are some other citizen science projects:
- https://southcarolinabatworkinggroup.org/
- https://www.lowcountrymarinemammalnetwork.org/volunteer
- https://scaquarium.org/conservation/citizenscience/
- https://www.scseagrant.org/citizen-science-encouraging-public-engagement/
- https://charlestonwaterkeeper.org/volunteer/
- https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/monitoring-and-assessments/pmn/
- https://datascienceprograms.com/learn/the-role-of-data-science-in-astronomy-and-interstellar-exploration/
- https://explorer1.jpl.nasa.gov/explore-as-one/citizen-science/#:~:text=You%20don’t%20have%20to,in%20our%20solar%20system’s%20backyard.
- https://www.thebeecause.org/