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May 2024 Citizen Science

It’s time for our monthly blog about citizen science projects! Citizen science is a form of data collection that the public of all ages can participate in. It usually involves the collection of data and recording it or entering it into a database for different organizations. A list of citizen science projects will be listed & linked below!

With the changing of spring to summer comes a new field work season. Different animals are migrating back to our coasts for the summer months. There are a couple species that you can partake in citizen science data collection by reporting your sightings of these animals to the SC Department of Natural Resources. (These can be reported year round but are typically found in SC during the warmer months!)

Some of the species include 

  1. Diamondback Terrapins

        Reporting information here:

      2. Manatees

       Report a live manatee here: 

      3. Sea turtles

      Report a live sighting of a sea turtle here:

Citizen Science projects listed below!

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